How to turn your Bosch EdgeRunner lights on and off

Turning on the lights on your electric EdgeRunner depends on what model bike and Bosch display you have. Here are the two different displays we have offered and the models they come on.

The Purion display is located by the left handle bar grip and is found on the newer EdgeRunner eSwoop and eClassic bikes. These bikes come with Herrmans front and rear lights included.

The Intuvia display is in the center of the handlebars and if found on previous model year EdgeRunner 8, 9 and 10e bikes. These bikes did not come with lights included but SuperNova lights were an optional upgrade.

eSwoop and eClassic Owners

If you have the Purion display, you will want to medium press the + button on the top left of the display (circled in orange) to switch on the front and rear lights at the same time. To switch off the bike lights, long press the + button. The lighting symbol (circled in blue) will display when the light is on.

You can find more details on how to use the Purion display in the instruction manual here.

EdgeRunner 10e, 9e and 8e Owners

If you have the Intuvia display, you can use the light button on the on-board computer (circled in orange) to simultaneously switch both the front light and the rear light on and off. When the lighting is switched on, a light symbol will appear on the display below the range scale.

You can find more details on how to use the Intuvia display in the instruction manual here.